Set this variable to1 to display server performance events on console. 将这个变量设置为1可以在控制台显示服务器性能事件。
The properties display in the console window. 控制台窗口显示属性。
After pressing the Enter key, a long series of messages display on the console that look very similar to those you see during a typical AIX installation. 在按Enter键之后,控制台(该控制台与您在典型的AIX安装过程中所看到的控制台非常类似)中将显示一长串消息。
The event log information will display in the console. 事件日志信息将显示在控制台上。
Its output will display in the console view. 在控制台视图中会显示其输出结果。
On the remote machine: set DISPLAY to your console, go to the program directory and run the repure command on your instrumented executable. 在远程机器上:将DISPLAY设置为您的控制台,在程序目录下,对您装备的可执行工件运行repure命令。
Inside this main window are various panes, called views, which display console output, outline views of your project, and so on. 在这个主窗口中,有各种各样的面板,称为视图(View),视图中可显示控制台的输出、项目的概要信息等等。
For example, via colinux-console, users can see the current display of the active console of the Linux guest. 例如,通过colinux-console,用户可以查看Linux客户的活动控制台的当前显示。
The execution logs display in the console. 执行日志显示在控制台中。
In computer graphics, the immediate notification of the current values provided by an input device to the operator at the display console. 在计算机图形学中,由输入设备在显示控制台上提供给操作员的一种关于当前值的立即响应。
Data input display console 数据输入显示控制台
It is more appropriate for operation display console in C3I, because of both its functions of display and keyboard. 由于它兼具显示和按键两项功能,十分适合于在军事指挥控制系统的操作显控台上使用。
In this paper, the model of a ship-born electronic display console is established using finite element method. 应用有限元法,建立了某船用电子显控台的有限元模型。
Design and Implementation of the Integrated Navigation Display and Control Console Detecting Equipment 综合导航显控台综合检测装置系统设计及软件实现
The Design of Ship-borne Display Console Based on Software Overlapping Technique 基于软件叠加技术的舰载光栅显控台的设计
This paper takes a certain navigation display and control console developed by our institute as the background. 本文以我校研制的某型综合导航显控台为工程背景。
The result indicate the design accords with the request of network in navigation display and control console. 详述了测试的环境和方法,测试结果分析表明本设计符合综合导航显控台网络要求。
This paper outlines a new design thought of intelligent keyboardaccording to the problems in display console design and its development trend. 本文针对显控台总体设计中所遇到的问题,并考虑到显控台的发展趋势,提出了“智能键盘”新的设计思想。
Finally, mechanical system integration display and control console with different size and shape are designed. The design of human-machine interface based on UG/ OPEN API is proved to be in accordance with the requests of human-machine engineering. 最后,针对不同几何尺寸和外形的机械系统综合显示控制台进行了设计演示,以大量的图示方式说明基于UG/OpenAPI接口技术的人机界面设计完全满足人机工程学的基本要求。
Base on the computer system of INS, the thesis systematically research the technique of FDD and application on Integrated Navigation Display& Control Console ( INDCC). 本论文以组合导航计算机系统为背景,系统研究了故障检测与诊断技术及其在综合导航显控台上的应用。
Dynamical Analysis of A Ship-born Electronic Display Console 某船用电子显控台的动力分析
Finally, the experimental console of the bearingless asynchronous motor is set up. User can set the parameters of remote control system on the LCD display by keys of console. 最后,设计了无轴承异步电机的实验控制平台。同时提供了按键和LCD液晶来构成人机交互,完成控制系统参数的设定和显不。
On Modularized Structure Design for Multi function Navel Integrated Display Console 舰用多功能综合显控台结构模块化设计探讨
The main characteristics of the rotor model, control and excitation system, power and transmission system, measurement system, data acquisition and processing system, safety and warning system, display system and master console are briefly described. 本文对旋翼模型、操纵与激振系统,动力、传动系统,测量系统,数据采集与处理系统,安全监控与报警系统,以及中央控制台与显示系统等的主要特点均作了简略叙述;
The sonar display console plays an important role in displaying the result of signal and information processing suitable for the operators. 因此声纳显示技术是关系到声纳信号处理系统的结果能否准确无误的展现给操作人员的关键所在。
Combined with integration display and control console of certain submarine, comprehensive evaluation of human machine interface is made. 结合某型潜艇综合显控台进行了人机界面的综合评价。
It includes the super distributed architecture, the fiber data communication network technology, multisensor data fusion and multifunctional display console 包括全分布式体系结构技术、光纤数据通信网络技术、多传感器信息融合技术和多功能显控台技术在作战系统中的应用
Brief Analysis and Chinese Display for Attendant Console Control of HICOM Programmed Exchange HICOM程控交换机话务台的简析与汉化
Reliability Design of Digital Communication Interface for H/ XK-2 Gun Director Display Console H/XK-2枪炮长显控台中数字通信接口的可靠性设计
Display console applies Socket programming technology to complete reliable wireless communication network transmission and proposes a method of graphical dynamic display with no flicker combining with the multithread programming technology. 显控部分应用套接字编程技术完成无线通信网络的可靠传输;结合多线程编程技术提出图形动态无闪烁显示方法。